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Bite Sleeves/Covers

Bite education requires some proper equipment to be involved. When training a dog professionally, one should take into account that bite training should be taken up gradually.
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NEW ARRIVALS - Bite Sleeves/Covers

Starting with bite tugs and bite builders, dogs become more advanced in what they do and it is really difficult to find the tools that will be challenging for them. Therefore, in this category, you can find the bite sleeves that will do great for diffrerent stages of Dogue de Bordeaux education and will help you to forget about the problem of searching for an item that will make your doggy work. Some of the products are intended for puppy training, others will be good for adult pets and advances dogs. The variety of the stuff, used for the production of the gear is striking. Jute, French Linen, NK material will amaze you with the durability and strength. Some of the bite sleeves require special covers not to get damaged soon. Here you can find them as well. Provide your canine with the best training equipment!

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